Monday, January 28, 2008

On measuring online engagement

On Thursday, we are going to talk about Internet research. The key term coined by the advertising/marketing industry to describe the purpose of marketing efforts is consumer engagement. To define engagement, I enlisted Gary Stein from ClickZ, an interactive marketing news resource. Gary writes that the ad industry generated the term engagement as an attempt to understand the degree to which a particular brand's story is built in a consumer's mind. Ultimately, engagement matches up with what marketers know about consumers and how they make decisions. Engagement is a natural evolution away from such measures as "awareness" and "purchase intent," writes Gary.
However, when it comes to evaluating online engagement, there is no consensus on what engagement really signifies, nor how it should be measured. Read Kevin Mannion's account of current online engagement methodologies here. Kevin is a founder of Sky Road Consulting.
For more thoughts on why measuring engagement is difficult, read Gary's article Consumer Engagement: Breaking the Perfect Measurement Myth.

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