Thursday, March 6, 2008

In class work

GOAL(S): Explain why this site was created. What is/are the goal(s)? Look for such goals as providing customer support, selling, providing and/or collecting information, advertising, building a community, entertainment, brand building, awareness, driving buyers offline, and the like.

GOAL PAGE: What is the site’s goal page? Describe it and explain why it is/is not effective.

EFFECTIVENESS: How effectively does the site accomplish the goal(s)? Provide specific examples to support your analysis.

INCENTIVES: What incentives are there for visitors to return to this site? Are the incentives effective? What makes them effective

PRIVACY: Is there a privacy statement on the site? Is it effective? What makes it effective?

SECURITY: Is there a security statement? Is one needed?

TARGET MARKETS: Who are the target markets for the site? Are they consumers, businesses, both, or others? Identify as many characteristics as possible.

VALUE: How does the site deliver value for the target markets? Does the site effectively communicate with them?

CONTROLS: What methods are used to measure site usage and obtain feedback? Are they effective?

OFFER: What is the offer? What products (goods, services, etc.) are offered (if any)?

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